As the 2016-2017 fiscal year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the great work the Home Baking Association has accomplished over the past year, and to look to the future on how we best continue our vision of “Preparing bakers for generations” and our mission to “Advocate for increased home baking by providing tools and knowledge to perpetuate generations of home bakers”.
But before I go any further, I would like to thank our wonderful staff of Charlene Patton, Executive Director, and Sharon Davis, Director of Programming and Membership Development, for their dedication, passion, and outstanding work. I would also like to thank my fellow officers, Robert Harper and Sam Garlow, the board of directors, and the entire membership for their contributions to the association. Everyone plays a vital role in the success of the HBA.
The collaboration of knowledge and resources among our members and partners, to develop the teaching tools and information that is then passed on to the many food and consumer science teachers and community youth program leaders, to teach their students, is the key to the success of the HBA.
Following are highlights of our work the past year:
Bake for Family Fun Month
A Bakers Dozen Lab Manual and Smart Snack Program
2017 Educator Award
Sponsorship of 2 summer interns at HBA from Kansas State University
PBS Television segments
HBA Writers Guild
Baking Food Safety resources
Designing new Website
Blog Views-
E-Newsletter - 56,665 subscribers
National Events and partnerships:
Midwest Home School Association
National Festival of Breads
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS)
Family, Career, Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
National 4-H Congress
The Family Dinner Project
Wheat Foods Council
Whole Grains Council
NAMA (North American Millers Association)
State FCS (Family and Consumer Sciences) Workshops:
Participated in workshops in Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Washington, and Texas
If you are an educator, we thank you for utilizing our many resources to help you teach your students. If you are an author interested in home baking, and wish to learn more about the HBA Writers Guild, or if your Company does business in the home baking category and would like more information about our association and becoming a member, please contact our staff and they will be glad to get in touch with you and send you more information about the HBA and the benefits of becoming a member.
We look forward to another successful year as we work together to grow the practice of home baking.
Eric Wall, HBA President
Grain Craft
Director of Sales